Wom salone 採會員預約制 需先至FB 或 IG 粉絲專頁私訊入會預約
null, 700台湾台南市中西區中華西路二段12巷30號
Wom salone 採會員預約制 需先至FB 或 IG 粉絲專頁私訊入會預約

条评价 №1

坐在美麗的運河邊有如秒飛到巴黎塞納河畔享受著完美與驚呼連連的甜點 、服務、環境如同在老友客廳現點現做的氛圍當日甜點真是可遇不可求為了堅持品質只能看你的運氣要記得訂位與預訂甜點有會員制 請先洽粉專絕對不會讓你失望我必會再訪疫情期間外帶整個質感超高級回家繼續享受環遊世界的料理終於開放內用一定要記得預約喔每一樣都是現場做出來的需要花費一些時間值得等待健康完美的料理與甜點

条评价 №2

服務非常差 第一次遇到要加入會員才可以用餐的餐廳但網路上預約沒有一個完整的系統,只通過IG小盒子或fb傳了訊息沒人回想說不如直接到場 到了已經說不是會員也還沒預約當場店員說可以幫我們預約點完餐老闆娘才過來大聲說本餐廳只接受會員來用餐就是沒有人回還那裡強迫人家加入會員(回來才看到很多網友也是說會員目的非常不明)一開始就沒有說清楚 認真說如果真的還沒點餐要填一堆沒有理由的會員是不會用餐的重點是點完餐了才在那裡用叫用喊的 我們不是沒有付錢的 順便提下每人抵銷是$280 (不包含服務費),共費用是一兩千內 CP值超級無敵低 更不用說還受到這種態度的服務, 有夠不值得當時除了我們一組還有另外兩個人, 好像真的快忙不過來An extremely rude and unpleasant serviceFood quality is also 2/10 especially when compared with priceApparently you have to have a membership in order to dine in or takeaway, in which we are not aware how serious it is that you are even not allowed to sit in.We tried to reserve but got no response so we decided to come right awayWe immediately inform the waiter that we have no reservations (not to mention any part of membership) but he showed us our seats after making reservations in that moment right away.After we finished ordering and waiting for our main meals suddenly the boss approached us in a very rudely manner and slightly high pitch voice that only their members are allowed to dine in their restaurant.If only we hadnt ordered our meals and most of them had already been served, there is no way that we are going to remain seated. But the way she approached us ask if we hadnt paid, in fact the minimum charge is $280 (service fee excluded) ,which sums up for around one to two thousand twd.Quality wise itself is just so not worth it (not to mention the unpleasant behavior we experienced).Hope that what happens to us do not happen to more other people and may we all took this experience as a lesson.那筆錢就當做我們捐出去了當一個經驗來根各位的網友分享希望各位不會再遇到這種不友善的態度

条评价 №3

餐點好吃 服務人員親切有禮貌 周圍的環境更是加分 這間也是非常歡迎毛孩的友善餐廳

条评价 №4

The food and the boss attitude do not worth the money nor the time.

条评价 №5

餐點普普 服務很差

100 相片
5 评论
2.6 评分
  • 地址:null, 700台湾台南市中西區中華西路二段12巷30號
  • 电话:+886 6 299 8485
  • 咖啡店
  • 星期一:10:00–18:00
  • 星期二:10:00–18:00
  • 星期三:10:00–18:00
  • 星期四:休息
  • 星期五:休息
  • 星期六:10:00–18:00
  • 星期日:10:00–18:00